Book Project by Wolfgang Sohn !
Wir sind die Zukunft – Faces of future
This unique book project shows portraits of pupils from a community secondary school in Düsseldorf. The children and young people from almost 30 nations were portrayed by Wolfgang Sohn at their school and an interview was conducted with each of them about their dreams, wishes, worries and hopes. This touching book gives a face and a voice to those who – although often born and/or raised here – are often not seen, recognized or valued in our society. These young people, their ideas and talents, are a valuable and important part of our future. We should support them. This book was made possible by funding from the Foundation for Culture and Education and is the result of the “Curriculum of the Future” project by Ulla Bundrock-Muhs / Querkopf Akademie, funded by the Sterntaler Foundation.
Please support this project by purchasing this illustrated book!